Elections Supreme Court

Citizens United v. FEC

Public Policy remains intrinsic to the preservation of both the nature and the foundation of American Constitutionalism as Kraft and Furlong denote, “[p]ublic policy is what public officials within government, and by extension the citizens they represent, choose to do or not to do about public problems,” (Kraft, M., p. 5). Two special interest groups in direct opposition to each other are the Citizens United Political Victory Fund and End Citizens United; the latter being reactively created in opposition to the former. Contemporary polity lacks the “purposive course of action that an individual or group consistently follows in dealing with a problem,” (Kraft, M., p. 6).

        The psychological impact of the names implicitly suggests that Citizens United bears a preponderance of populism whereby End Citizens United decrees total submission to government authority. End Citizens United coerces constituents to believe that government action is the most effective means to ensure a righteous path to prosperity, yet this position is fallacious, falling short of disclosing the means to effective representation. A Constitutional Republic bears the image of the individual and his means to exist without government intervention, yet remains protected under the shield of a nationalized military and provides the means to offer an honest and free economy. The explicit political declaration of war invoked by End Citizens United is not meant to dissuade government maleficence but to divide and conquer the people through consensual segregation. Career politicians’ unpruned roots have overgrown deep within the federal government; infecting bureaucracy to favor the interests of a global state rather than evoke national pride for the nation of independence, declaring independence to also require representation; id est democratic authoritarianism. Instead public policy stands to unite individuals by solving problems worthy of government intervention; fulfilling the obligation to facilitate a means to sustaining commonwealth; thus spake democracy.

Citizens United Political Victory Fund (CUPVF)
        The special interest group Citizens United Political Victory Fund (CUPVF) strives to limit the scope of government, thereby conserving the original image of the sovereign independence granted to all men. What matters to the American nation is representation; thus a limitation of governance. Rather than presupposing that incumbent pol understand the notion of the diverse needs of the individual; the inversion of government itself ensures that man can represent himself in contemporary polis. Citizens United Political Victory Fund’s (CUPVF) primary mission is to “support conservative candidates running for federal office.” Yet, for CUPVF to bear consistent relevance to procure support, it must support popular candidates. This means neoconservatives and deepstate affiliates are potential figures of alliance; CUPVF implicitly dissuades from this consideration by proposing that “CUPVF is dedicated to assisting candidates who share our vision of reducing the size of government, enacting term limits, lowering taxes, cutting spending, reforming entitlement programs, promoting traditional family values, and keeping America safe and secure,” (CUPVF). Yet, in order to gain funding, CUPVF must support popular candidates, including those with nefarious interests.
            In 2024, Citizens United Political Victory Fund (CUPVF) was officially endorsed by former President Donald Trump; alongside six Representatives, three Senators, and one Governor; all declaring their support for the special interest group, (JustFacts). Although Citizens United stands contingent on government; its legal battle against the Federal Election Commission (FEC) revealed its commitment to ensuring the representation of the people. Citizens United continues to take action against the Leviathan that seeks to revoke the will of man and his decisions no matter how divergent they may be; as every man bears responsibility to humble himself before God, lest another man force a false faith upon him, voiding the opportunity to will himself unto his Creator. Man should likely resist all special interest groups, allocating his reverence unto the Lord; yet Citizens United Political Victory Fund does not seek to stand as the arbitrator of justice; instead deferring that responsibility and authority for the relationship of man and his God.

End Citizens United (ECU)
        The same cannot be said for CUPVF’s inversion, End Citizens United; a special interest group demanding authority from the people to dismantle larger entities, namely Citizens United. The first impression of End Citizens United’s approach is the apparency of its desire to denounce their opposition. By proclaiming reactive negativity rather than offering proactive solutions, End Citizens United fails to recognize the purpose of the attained sovereignty and equality our ancestors died to uphold federal recognition of—does not come from policybut instead is avoided by meaningless perpetual policy fueled by the abdicated will of man. End Citizens United strives to smother civic representation, smearing the essence of objective truth; whilst sculpting reality into the narrative that best suits their private interests rather than representing the will of the people. Government power is a slippery slope whereby the invitation of negligent maleficence results in the extinction of man’s inherent sovereignty giveth unto him by his creator.
            In 2024, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris; alongside eight Representatives, two Senators, and one Governor; voiced their public support, officially endorsing the special interest group, (JustFacts). End Citizens United vows to “[e]lect Democratic candidates, to all office levels, who will put people ahead of special interest donors and champion comprehensive money in politics and democracy reform; [p]ass ballot measures that will reform state campaign finance laws; [w]ork in partnership with reform leaders Congress and allied organizations to advocate for and pass comprehensive money in politics and democracy reform,” (EndCitizensUnited). It is undeclared if the group will blindly support the election of Democratic candidates to all office levels despite the apparency demagoguery, and regardless of their voting history. Their hostile take on partisan politics reveals the aroma of mens rea in their intentions; leaving the constituent to wonder if that characteristic could be repositioned against them, should dissent against their allegiance occur upon the evocation of tyranny amongst the majority, minority, or individual.
        The group End Citizens United itself bears a name worthy of destruction, thereby deposing the integrity of the image of governance; thus negating the needs of constituents. It is illogical to assume that Government has the interests of the free man; lest all viable data to support authoritarianism be skewed by dissidence. End Citizens United lies contingent on democracy; a term of political weaponization devised to depose the will of man amongst the totalitarian tactics of top-down authority. While “democracy reform” and “anti-corruption legislation” can be used to dissuade the desire for the self-ruling nature intended of man; it is itself a strategic siphon that demands policy compliance. By limiting the actions of the individual to suit the needs of the legislature, a tyranny is established; thus the nation itself is temporal. End Citizens United fails to recognize that the primary purpose of the American nation is the Citizens himself; thus United he must will himself to be. It is through a resilient commonwealth that man can ensure a nation of fortitude, yet apathy cannot promote this state of proactivity.

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (FEC)
The debate between special interest groups originated on January 21st, 2012, when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5–4 in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310 (2010), favoring the views of Citizens United. This ruling allowed unlimited contributions to campaign advertising; overturning a previous ruling that provided an allowance for the inhibition of independent expenditure, (Oyez). Citizens United’s case set precedence for unlimited campaign contributions indirectly through advertisements. This powerful factor wields equal power to both parties, thereby preserving the image of diversity amongst constituents; allowing the fiscally capable to run advertisements for or against any particular candidate. (FEC). Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310 (2010). The allowance of unlimited money on advertising by outside groups; at initial interpretation, bolstering the actions of government is itself a descent into despotism; yet a second glance reveals that this is not the case. Allowing both sides of partisan candidates—even third-party candidates—to receive infinite advertisements through external sources; the constituency can be recognized. If all sides have equal advantage to sway political influence and information; there can exist no excuse against political action committees, Super PACs, or the outside funding of advertisements; after all, America rejects a command economy, thereby it is no business of government what man spends his money on, To combat the expected propaganda, non-curated information must be readily available; yet the government itself fears the man who pursues his own awareness; lest he realizes God is real; he then needs no human authority to dictate the decision of his autonomy. The neoliberal man fears that a disconnect with government with lead to their personal vulnerability; failing to recognize that partnership with evil at any level invokes a spirit of malevolence. Instead, all ideologies must take advantage of the means of representation to ensure they are accurately allocated per capita. Public policy is not always partisan, “political labels are not always reliable guides to predicting specific policy positions…[p]arty labels themselves may be poor indicators of positions taken on policy issues,” (Kraft, M., p. 19).

        As it is written by his Holy Spirit, Jesus did not die for a single nation, but gave His life on the cross for all worldly nations; there resides only one Kingdom worthy of His name. “He did not say this on his own; as high priest at that time he was led to prophesy that Jesus would die for the entire nation. And not only for that nation, but to bring together and unite all the children of God scattered around the world,” (John 11:51-52; NLT). Yet man must not judge, lest he himself be judged, (Mat 7:1); for without true faith, man cannot please God (Heb 11:6); for by His Grace we hath been brought to salvation, (Eph 2:8-9). Man must not forget that “[i]n him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth, (Ephesians 1:7-10; ESV).


Whilst morality cannot be legislated, the intentional infringement of malevolent poison-pill public policy endured by constituents has shown itself to diffuse the will of the nation; devolving into a stagnant state of hopelessness; persistent crises are then introduced until the people exhaustively hand over their sovereignty to government policy; thus deposing man of his inherent quality that sets him apart from other creatures. Without the ability to make decisions for himself, man is no greater than a dog seeking approval from his master; yet, God decrees that we stand as men, rebuking the consideration that man himself is unworthy in his natural actions. Yet, contemporary government stands to weaken the individual rather than improve his value amongst the society he invests himself into. The apparency of deception and coercion exhibited by special interest groups, and their tactical strategies reveal that behind the face of the authority of government lies the depravity of man; lest man persuades his brethren to preclude their will at the behest of democracy. An illusory democracy is not conducive to a functional polis, nor a viable commonwealth; therefore Special interest groups whose plans include the worship of government need not be considered to further America’s national interests. The liberty of the individual himself is the essential ingredient for a righteous body politic; immunity to tyranny must be considered in the presence of questionable and concerning special interest groups; thereby assuring a limited and functional government capable of invigorating the will of the nation, leading the citizen into personal covenant with his Creator.


CUPVF. (Accessed on March 19th, 2024). Citizens United Political Victory Fund: The Conservative PAC For Conservative Candidates. https://www.cupvf.org/.

EndCitizensUnited. (Accessed on March 19th, 2024). End Citizens United: We the People, Not “We the Wealthy”. https://endcitizensunited.org/.

ESV. Ephesians 1:7-10

FEC. (Accessed on March 20th, 2024). FEC | Legal | Citizens United v. FEC. https://www.fec.gov/legal-resources/court-cases/citizens-united-v-fec/.

JustFacts. (Accessed on March 20th, 2024). Vote Smart – Facts For All. https://justfacts.votesmart.org/interest-group/1959/citizens-united-political-victory-fund

JustFacts. (Accessed on March 20th, 2024). Vote Smart – Facts For All. https://justfacts.votesmart.org/interest-group/2568/end-citizens-united.

NLT. John 11:51-52

Oyez. (Accessed on March 21st, 2024). Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce. Retrieved March 21, 2024, from https://www.oyez.org/cases/1989/88-1569

Oyez. (Accessed on March 20th, 2024). Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. Retrieved March 20, 2024, from https://www.oyez.org/cases/2008/08-205

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